Saturday, January 9, 2010

First weekend in DC

I had a good first few days at work but I'm definitely glad it's the weekend. Yesterday at work was great and made up for a bit of a bad day on Thursday. I got to go to other Congressman's offices and get signatures on a letter which meant going between Congressional office buildings in underground tunnels! I also got a pretty cool project to research a legislation topic that is probably going to be introduced fairly soon and formulate a letter responding to constituents on the Congressman's stance on the issue. I know they are going to have to revise it and it's just practice but it's still exciting to be given a better project than just sorting mail. We went out yesterday and spent way too much money the first night out, so I will have to work on finding better drink specials. I finally got a chance to go walking around today because I had been working all week while the other interns, who dont start until Monday, got to see some of the sights. We went and got groceries, which was exciting because it was my first ride on the metro, and of course I didn't know which one to get on and which way to go but luckily some of the other interns knew how to get there. The big grocery store here is Harris Teeter, and it was nice to be able to finally get groceries but it was kind of a confusing store. I was the only one in the house who still didn't have food so I had been living off of the ramen that had been stocked for use when we got here and that was getting old quickly. We also went to the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. It was amazing to see all of these landmarks in person rather than on TV or in pictures and it was a great time. The reflection pool was frozen over and one of the roommates stood on it to take a picture and we were all a little worried that the first thing we would have to tell our internship coordinator is that one of the interns was in the hospital bc they fell into the reflection pool. It was great to walk around but it was so cold! It was in the 20's but it felt like it was 10 degrees and the wind was blowing so bad. My legs were completely numb and I have no idea how I could still walk because I couldn't feel anything below my waist. I'm really looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and hopefully getting well rested for my first full week of work.


  1. Sounds like you are having a great time. Coming from Texas you probably don't know about the windchill factor. If the wind is blowing it is a lot colder than the temp. Always overdress. You can always remove clothes. Your hands and feet will get cold first. Be sure to wear a hat. That's the mother in me speaking. Love ya!

  2. It's probably just the wet part of the northeast that's killing you. Lubbock gets plenty of windchill with it always blowing 20+ mph outside but it's all dry so it burns instead of feeling numb. So when am I going to get my car?
