Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First day of work!

When people say wear comfy shoes and then change when you get to the office, they aren't kidding. I didn't think the first day would be too bad because it's only a couple blocks away but what I didn't know was that I had to go to training that was about 6 blocks away. Luckily I made it but next time I will listen to other's advice the first time. I got to work early and in my nice black suit only to find out that because Congress isn't in session and the Congressman isn't in the office we can wear jeans. Everyone in the office was really nice and helpful and made me a little less nervous. Routing emails to the right staffers was easy and organizing people in the system was also, but the phone really had me worried. I only answered it a couple of times but I was so nervous the whole time that I almost hung up on someone. I got home after work and was pretty tired but went to dinner with some of the girls from the house and had a lot of fun. All my roommates are really nice and I'm so happy that everyone already gets along so well. I wish I had waited to start work so I could have gone exploring with them today but I'll have the whole weekend to get around and see the sights. Me and my roommate Lori did walk around a little bit last night but it was so cold! We had been getting ready to go and she asked me if she thought we needed gloves and hats and have our feet completely covered. It hadn't been too cold when I had got in that day so I told her I thought we would be okay.... Apparently I was wrong, but now she knows that I am not a very reliable source, hehe. Hopefully I'll have more energy tomorrow when I get done with work to go get a metro pass, buy groceries and walk around a little bit.


  1. I'm so glad you're doing a blog! I miss you so much already but I'm also very proud of you and know that this is going to be a great opportunity for you. Love you!

  2. I too am happy about the blog. I know you are going to have a great time. This will also be a great learning experience. Remember it is cold all over the country. Kortnee is in Florida and it is only 50 degrees. Be safe. Luv Ya!

  3. Great job with your first blog! How did I know it would start out with a discussion of shoes! LOL! You are the best! Have fun, learn, and keep smiling! Love you!
